After eighteen years in the western U.S. Corie has returned to her hometown, Louisville, KY, to re-focus her creative work. She and her husband, Aaron Cohick, found a little house in Okolona with a big garden and a big garage for presses and kilns. They hope to find ways to serve their local community with their art, publishing, and gardening.

Corie spent most of her youth drawing, catching bugs for pet toads, and sweeping the floors and taking out the trash of a non-profit small-press publisher of disability rights literature. After toying with the idea of being a science illustrator— spending a few years as a drawing and biology double major in college— she took Intro to Clay on a whim and was hooked. She moved to Arizona to get an MFA in Ceramics from Arizona State University, spent a couple of years in the San Francisco Bay Area selling wedding invitations after the real estate market crash, and escaped to Colorado, working as a library tech for a decade to keep the lights on and the insurance bills paid. Now she’s escaped again and is figuring out a new way of living in her old stomping grounds. Her artwork can be found in public and private collections nationwide.

